Shopify app development status 1

3 min readJan 2, 2022

We can officially state that the Shopify App is ready for submission! The application was ready for Beta testing, but unfortunately, Shopify does not allow testing our app, because it is not reviewed yet… We are filling submission this week and hope for quick approval! I know many of you are busy waiting.

Blocked public Beta testing

Here are updates for this week:

Fixed a bug with multiple NFTs withdrawal

The issue was that the user could not claim multiple NFTs bought with a single order. Imagine this scenario. You bought Nike shoes and 2 brand NFTs from the Shopify store. You would only get the last NFT previously! To fix that, we created an additional database entity to merge all NFTs and keep track of them, with unique UUIDs. Now you can buy as many as you want!

Finalized the NFTs claiming screen & design updates

The NFTs claiming screen is ready! Just type your public wallet address and NFT will be delivered shortly! Currently, we don’t have a direct wallet connection on our website. Though you won’t need to wait for long, this simplification is coming in the Q1 of this year. Right now a simple copy & paste will do it!

Claiming NFTs.

Also, the layout structure of our main application was improved also. The feel is even more natural to the Polaris design system guidelines.

Layout positioning updates

Tested Shopify webhooks

Since our application detects the paid order trigger and sends user emails with special NFts withdrawal URLs, we needed to ensure that webhooks work correctly. We ensured these steps:

  1. Webhook processing requests should not take longer than 5 seconds.
  2. Webhooks must handle no customer order. This will simplify the merchant’s integration when he wants to quickly test the application without interacting as a real customer.
  3. The retries of failed webhooks should be registered & processed as well.

By the way, we are searching for NFTs projects who are willing to participate beta-app version.

Very soon, we will provide early access for app beta-testers. If you would like to be one of them, submit the form! Participation is free. All you need to do is to fill the form on our website.

There is a link to our website — You’ll find all information about the product and the form over there.




Combased builds solutions to align Web2 & Web3. Our products create an infrastructure for NFTs creators and merchants to launch, manage & sell NFTs collections.